Pelican Markdown

Pelican Markdown

Detailed Markdown Cheat Sheet

Pelican Wiki Markdown Cheat Sheet

Markdown Metadata, Pelican-specific

Markdown is a text/markdown MIME-style file.

Markdown used in Pelican is derived from Daring Fireball Markdown.

RST field name Markdown field name Description of field value
:title: Title: Title of the article
:date: Date: Writing date of the article. Should always be formated like YYYY-MM-DD HH:SS
:modified: Modified: Modification date of the article. Should always be formated like YYYY-MM-DD HH:SS
:tags: Tags: Tags of the article. Multiple tags can be set
:keywords: Keywords: Keywords of the article. Multiple keywords can be set
:category: Category: Category of the article. Only one can be set
:slug: Slug: Identifier for the article. This must not be modified between an article and it’s translation
:author: Author: Author of the article. Only one can be set
:authors: Authors: Authors of the article. Multiple can be set
:summary: Summary: Short description of the article
:lang: Lang: Langage of the article. Only one can be set, like fr, or en, etc.
:translation: Translation: If the article is the translated version of another one. Can be true or false
:status: Status: Status of the article. Can be draft, hidden, or published

Category: {category}markdown