The table below summarizes the usage and frequency of use for each of the keys.:

ZSK vs. KSK Comparison

Key Usage Frequency of Use
ZSK Private Used by authoritative server to create RRSIG for zone data Used somewhat frequently depending on the zone, whenever authoritative zone data changes or re-signing …

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Bitcoin Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities Found in Bitcoin.

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DNSSEC Two Steps

Signing your domain with DNSSEC involves two components:

  1. The registrar of your domain name needs to be able to accept what are called “Delegation Signor (DS)” records and be able to send those up to the Top-Level-Domain (TLD) for your domain (ex. .com, .org, .net).
  2. The DNS …
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Comparison of VPN specification

A comparison of VPN and its specification.

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Change password to MacOS File Vault

How to change FileVault password. This is useful when wanting to have two separate passwords; one for the disk and one for the login account.

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Hardening Signal App

Bro Core Engine

How to debug the Core Engine of Bro-IDS.

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Bro messaging

Enabling debug messages of Bro script

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Machine Learning Checklist

System architecture

Here we assume a system architecture that extracts features from raw input data, feeds them into a training system that produces a model, which is then read into a serving system to make inferences and affect the user-facing behavior of the system. We also assume typical software engineering …

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OpenLDAP Debugging Levels

olcLogLevel: This directive specifies the level at which debugging statements and operation statistics should be syslogged (currently logged to the syslogd(8) LOG_LOCAL4 facility). You must have configured OpenLDAP –enable-debug (the default) for this to work (except for the two statistics levels, which are always enabled). Log levels may be …

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