Wed 01 November 2017 Category HOWTO Tags Bro

How to use Bro


To obtain Bro:

git clone

And their dependent packages

sudo yum install mongodb-devel
sudo service bro start
sudo yum install cmake28
sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/cmake cmake /usr/bin/cmake28 90
sudo yum install python-devel


Configure installation using default settings:

./configure --enable-debug \
   --disable-broccoli --prefix=/usr --conf-files-dir=/etc/bro
sudo make install  # goes into /usr/local

Bro executable

Command line options General usage:

bro [option] <bro-policy-script-file>

option long option description
-a --parse-only “Syntax check the policy script files. bro returns 0 if OK, 1 if syntax is invalid (new in Bro 2.3.1)
-b --bare-mode Don’t load scripts from the base/ directory. Useful in testing
-d --debug-policy Activate policy file debugger
-e --exec augment loaded policies by given script code
-f --filter tcpdump BPF filter (ie. port 22 or udp and icmp) (see BFP syntax (external site)
-g --dump-config Dumps current configuration into the ./.state subdirectory
-i --iface Read from given network interface
-p --prefix Add given prefix to policy filepath resolution. This is also BRO_PREFIXES environment variable. Contains a list of subdirectories separated by a semicolon in which to search a policy file for. A @load .bro statement in the script would result in searching each BRO_PREFIXES subdirectories in the order given in which to load .bro script file from.
-r --readfile PCAP file in which to read from (instead of from a network interface.)
-s --rulefile Read rules from a given file. Useful for Signature RULE testing.
-t --tracefile Outputs a trace execution of each line of each script file loaded
-N --print-plugins Print available plugins and exit
-N --print-plugins -print-plugins Print event and function available in each plugins (verbose)
-S --debug-rules Enable rule debugging. More about setting up the rule tables and less about rule matching.

Bro Environment Variables

environment name program environment description
BROPATH bro “file search path for Bro policy script; A list of directory, each separated by semicolon, in which profile script files can be searched for.”
BRO_DNS_FAKE bro disable DNS lookups; Determine whether actual DNS lookup occurs or fake DNS data is returned; Valid value: ‘0’ or ‘1’.
BRO_SEED_FILE bro A filespec to a file containing seed number for the Bro’s init_random_seed(); useful for ensuring repeatable test runs.
BRO_PREFIXES bro add given prefix to policy file resolution; this adds a full or relative directory path to try for each script file given
BRO_LOG_SUFFIX bro ASCII log file extension (currently set to .log)
BRO_PROFILER_FILE bro Full or relative filespec where to put the Bro profiler data in. A presense of this environment variable is the only way to turn this Bro profiler on.
BRO_DISABLE_BROXYGEN bro Disable the Broxygen documentation
CLUSTER_NODE bro broctl
BROCTL_INSTALL_PREFIX broctl Where did broctl get installed to? (occurrs during bro install time)
BROCCOLI_CONFIG_FILE broccoli Broccoli configuration filespec

UNIX Signal supported

Signal name Signal description
SIGINT “From main process, calls bro_done() events. From main process, kills all threads if SIGINT received the 2nd time. Not used in threads. With -d mode, it caused Bro policy script debugger prompt to appear (requires an active STDIN/STDOUT terminal.)”
SIGTERM “From main process, calls bro_done() events. From main process, kills all threads if SIGTERM received the 2nd time. Main process may send to child thread for terminating RAW input reader(s). With -dmode, it caused Bro policy script debugger prompt to appear (requires an active STDIN/STDOUT terminal.)”
SIGSTOP “broctl sends STOP signal firstly to all Bro manager, proxy(s), and workers first time around, then KILL on 2nd try.”
SIGPIPE “With -d mode, this signal gets ignored. RAW input reader(s) inherits main process SIGPIPE in Raw::Execute().”
SIGHUP “During bro.init(), checkpoints persistent state.”
SIGALRM Main process uses it monitor for jammed or idle network interface(s). Thread uses to request stats to be sent. sig_handler_log()
SIGPROF “Thread uses it to request CPU usage statistics to be sent to SocketComm::Log (remote.log) via sig_handler_prof(). If compiled with DEBUG_COMMUNICATION (src/ChunkedIO.h), main process uses it to dump debug data of RemoteSerializer then terminate.”
SIGKILL Propagates from thread/child to main process.
SIGUSR1 Used to be used for MPatrol debugging hooks. Not used in threads.
SIGUSR2 Used to be used for MPatrol debugging hooks. Not used in threads.
SIGCONT Not used in threads.
SIGQUIT QUIT is sent in event of RemoteSerializer::FatalError() toward child process(es).
SIGCHLD Not used in threads.
SIGSEGV Propagates from thread/child to main process.
SIGBUS Propagates from thread/child to main process.
SIGFPE Propagates from thread/child to main process.

External References

  1. Bro Documentation -
  2. Bro Support -
  3. Bro Contacts -

Mailing List

  1. General -
  2. Announcement -
  3. Twitter - @Bro_IDS
  4. IRC - Freenode’s #bro channel
  5. Bro Community -
  6. Index to all of Bro website -