Bind9 Directories

Bind9 directories

directory name named.conf keyword description
/etc/bind directory directory is a quoted string defining the absolute path for the server e.g. "/var/named". All subsequent relative paths use this base directory. If no directory options is specified the directory from which BIND was loaded is used. This option may only be specified in a ‘global’ options statement.
/etc/bind file zone files
/etc/bind/keys key-directory “key-directory is a quoted string defining the absolute path, for example, "/var/lib/bind/dynamic" where the keys used in the dynamic update of secure zones may be found. Only required if this directory is different from that defined by a directory option. This statement may only be used in a global options clause. rndc loadkeys and rndc sign reads from this directory. ”
/var/lib/bind/dynamic managed-keys-directory Zone files
/etc/default/bind Default systemd settings for named daemon startup (bind9.service)
/var/cache/bind key-directory Dynamically created keyfiles
/var/log/bind logging for DNS named daemon

Bind9 files

file name named.conf keyword description
/var/run/named/ pid-file “PID number of the master named process, in text-format. pid-file is a quoted string and allows you to define where the pid (Process Identifier) used by BIND is written. If not present it is distribution or OS specific typically /var/run/ or /etc/ It may be defined using an absolute path or relative to the directory parameter. This statement may only be used in a global options clause. ”
/etc/bind/rndc.conf “Used by rndc utility. Manually created and often formatted like:

,    # Start of rndc.conf
   include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";
   options {
       default-key "rndc-key";
       default-port 953;
   # End of rndc.conf
/etc/bind/rndc.key its key is created using rndc-confgen -a looking like this:

   key "rndc-key" {
       algorithm hmac-md5;
       secret "XbAxWyZPL74rN1Ti3dTV9a==";

/var/cache/bind/&#42.jnl journal Keeps track of changes being made to the zone databases
/var/cache/bind/cache_dump.db dump-file “Dumps the DNS cache database into a text file. dump-file is a quoted string defining the absolute path where BIND dumps the database (cache) in response to a rndc dumpdb. If not specified, the default is named_dump.db in the location specified by a directory option. This option may only be specified in a ‘global’ options statement. ”
/var/log/bind/named_stats.txt statistics-file Dumps the statistics into a file. This statement defines the file-name to which data will be written when the command rndc stats is issued. May be an absolute or relative (to directory) path. If the parameter is not present the information is written to named.stats in the path defined by directory or its default. This statement may only be used in a global options clause.
/var/log/mem-statistics.log memstatistics-file This statement defines the file-name to which BIND memory usage statistics will be written when it exits. May be an absolute or relative (to directory) path. If the parameter is not present the stats are written to named.memstats in the path defined by directory or its default. This statement may only be used in a global options clause.
/etc/bind/named.iscdlv.key bindkeys-file OBSOLETED. Holds the DLV (now discontinued as of Feb 2017). Used to be /etc/bind.keys

Bind9 logging channels

directory name channel name description
/var/log/bind/default.log default_file Default events get logged into this file
/var/log/bind/general.log general_file General events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/database.log database_file Database events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/security.log security_file Security events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/config.log config_file Configuration and any misconfiguration events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/resolver.log resolver_file Resolver events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/xfer-in.log xfer-in_file Transfer DNS records inbound events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/xfer-out.log xfer-out_file Transfer DNS records outbound events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/notify.log notify_file Notify events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/unmatched.log client_file Client events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/client.log unmatched_file Unmatched events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/unmatched.log unmatched_file Unmatched events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/queries.log queries_file Query events get logged into this file.
Query ERROR events get logged into this file.
“Network events get logged into this file. open() close(), dropped or downed network interface.”
/var/log/bind/update.log update_file Update events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/update-security.log update-security_file Security update events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/dispatch.log dispatch_file Dispatch events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/dnssec.log dnssec_file DNSSEC events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/lame-servers.log lame-servers_file Lame server events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/delegation-only.log delegation-only_file Delegation events get logged into this file.
/var/log/bind/rate-limit.log rate-limit_file Rate limiting events get logged into this file.